Monday, March 21, 2011

take one

ok, i give up. i've promised a bunch of friends and family that i would start a blog about movies. they've been yelling at me to do this for a while, and so, here i am...

i admit to being a seriously hardcore cinephile (n.b. not a cinephile of hardcore). i love movies. i can't live without them. seriously, if i were ever held at gunpoint and the gunman said to me: "ok, if you wanna live, you can never watch another movie for the rest of your life, OR i can blow your brains out right now. what's it gonna be?" (btw, i do realize that this hypothetical and highly hyperbolic scenario most likely would never happen; however, let's just go with it so i can make my point, yes?) i would tell the bastard (after peeing my pants and maybe begging for my life for a minute or two) to go ahead and pull the trigger. 

i honestly (think i) would. 

i need movies. 
i. need. them. i crave them. at home i watch maybe six a week, and then i try to go to the movies at least twice a week. oh, and if i'm dying to see something, i absolutely need to go on opening night. then if i loved it, i'll need to go see it again, and sometimes again. i tend to feel guilty if i go away on vacation and i miss opening nights to certain movies i've been waiting for and i know i won't be able to catch them where i'm going. if it's a longer trip (anything more than two weeks) oh, lord. i begin to feel disjointed and even a little, um, dirty? as if i'm cheating or something - like i gotta run home to the movie and beg its forgiveness. i'm also a total movie theatre snob. i'll only go to a select group of movie theatres that i like in the city (and you won't catch me at a bunch, including any shopping mall cinemas). i also need to get the yellow popcorn every time, even if i'm full from a pre-movie dinner and not hungry. and after liking a movie at the cinema, i need to buy the dvd (or blu-ray if i loved it) the day it's released. and i can't rent. or even borrow. i need to OWN. sometimes i don't even watch my newly purchased dvd for weeks, or months, or even years. i actually probably have a few dozen on my shelves still in the shrink wrap, but i'll get to watching them again eventually. this blog is actually a good excuse to...

but there're other reasons i'm starting a blog about movies.

1. i needed an excuse to talk obsessively about my love for Bill Murray (although, does one really need an excuse?)
2. i own over 1000 dvd's (all of which i've purchased - NOT ripped - so i've actually kinda paid for the right, non?)
3. i've held glamorous positions in the film industry, including working as a concession and box office girl, gum seat-scraper/sticky floor-mopper, usher, production company receptionist, and (one-time) chauffeur to the stars
4. i have a 10 seat movie theatre in my basement (thanks dad!) and have frequent screenings with my cinebuddies (hi guys!)
5. i watch Silence of the Lambs when i have trouble sleeping (honestly, it's like a cuddly blanket for me. the music and Hannibal Lecter's voice? please. it's so f-cking soothing)
6. i come from a movie-obsessed family (my grandpa owned a movie theatre in a small town in Italy and worked as a cameraman at Cinecitta'; and my great-uncle was Marlon Brando's drinking buddy and refused a career offer to be Steve McQueen's stand-in)  
7. i was (almost) born in a movie theatre (my mum went into labour while watching In the Year of Our Lord, and actually stayed to the closing credits) 
8. i was named after a buxom-blond Italian actress (although i grew up to be neither buxom nor blond)
9. i keep every single ticket stub from movies i go to see (i've been keeping them since i was 12-years-old and literally have hundreds stashed away in a big William Ashley gold box) 
10. i'm currently unemployed so i've kinda got the time

right. so, i can't promise this blog will be any good. or even slightly good for that matter. but i do promise that i love movies and will try to express my passion and obsession for them the best i can. so, if you like movies, like to read or talk about movies, or scream and cry about movies, or just like Bill Murray, i assure you that you will be getting your fix here. 

see you somewhere around the middle row,

"She's sweet, but she's fucked up." Herman Blume (Bill Murray) in Rushmore


  1. Great start to your blog! Loved the TOP TEN! What movies are you going to be reviewing this week?

  2. You know... I love movies too, especially in your home theatre (thanks dad). Can't wait for your f..y comments.
