Saturday, April 30, 2011

10+1 movies to watch when you're sick

 Alien (1979)

ok, i've been sick. for the last month. really sick. like, the movies i dragged myself to see in the theatres i couldn't sit through because i had to leave the theatre every 15 minutes or so due to several coughing hack attacks. HOT. so, the movies i've gone to see in the past month i haven't been able to watch all the way through. booo... which means i've opted to watch some of my old dvd's from bed. i decided to dig up a few i haven't seen in a while... so, the following are just a few i would recommend to see in the comfort of your home while coughing your lungs out...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Win Win (2011)


i went to go see Win Win with my friend Meghan the other night. turns out that throughout university, Meghan had worked at the theatre where we watched the movie (which also happens to be my favourite cinema in the city) - and so we just strolled right in. like, literally - right past the ushers who were ripping the tickets. Meghan gave a little wave to someone she recognized and the dude waved back. f-ck. it was like she was Mrs. Cineplex Odeon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Certified Copy (2010)


hmm... interesting

Certified Copy is about a French woman (Juliette Binoche) living in Tuscany with her tween son. she meets this British writer James Miller (William Shimell) who has written a book about original art and replicas. the two get together and head off to spend a day in the town of Lucignano where they walk and talk - but when their conversation suddenly takes a turn, the audience starts to wonder what game these two are playing...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hanna (2011)


holy. f-cking. f-ck.

i saw this movie on thursday at an advance screening (thanks, Shim!) and i LOVED it. like, i was leaning forward in my seat the entire time grinning. while at times it totally reminded me of Kill Bill, Run Lola Run, and Léon: The Professional, Hanna (directed by Joe Wright, Pride and Prejudice (2005), and Atonement) is something i have never seen before.

1. Rushmore (1998)

i know i began this actor tribute saying that i was going to list ten of my favourite Bill movies in no particular order, and that's been true. i haven't. but i need to make it very clear that placing Rushmore in the number one slot is very deliberate. i love movies like a (good) mother loves her children - she doesn't pick favourites. but if i were forced to pick only ONE film among the hundreds that i can't live without, Wes Anderson (and Owen Wilson)'s Rushmore would have to be it.

Friday, April 01, 2011

2. Kingpin (1996)

WARNING: this movie may kill you from laughter. SERIOUSLY. i once knew a guy who didn't make it. so please, tread carefully when viewing.

sh-t. i hope i don't Munson this post. because i love Bill Murray in this movie SO MUCH, and his performance as Ernie "Big Ern" McCracken deserves proper recognition. the whole movie, in fact, merits a f-cking circle jerk because it's too damn funny. Kingpin is one of those movies that i will pop in at anytime. there is no "mood" i have to be in to enjoy or appreciate it fully. it's gold ALWAYS. whether you're sick in bed, bored, sad, in a good mood, if someone just died...