Saturday, April 30, 2011

10+1 movies to watch when you're sick

 Alien (1979)

ok, i've been sick. for the last month. really sick. like, the movies i dragged myself to see in the theatres i couldn't sit through because i had to leave the theatre every 15 minutes or so due to several coughing hack attacks. HOT. so, the movies i've gone to see in the past month i haven't been able to watch all the way through. booo... which means i've opted to watch some of my old dvd's from bed. i decided to dig up a few i haven't seen in a while... so, the following are just a few i would recommend to see in the comfort of your home while coughing your lungs out...

1. JFK (1991) 

good god, i hadn't watched this since seeing it in the theatre. it's SO good. and i'm a definite conspiracy theory addict, so this is pretty much a documentary in my eyes. c'mon. it's a no-brainer. the magic bullet theory? please. PLEASE. it made me feel good about the fact that i was only sick in bed, and not in a Lincoln Limousine SS-100.

2. The Fog of War - Eleven Loessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara (2003) 

wow. after watching JFK i was on a Kennedy binge. i had seen this doc in the theatre with my brother and remember loving it. but i wanted to watch it again. McNamara, the former Secretary of Defense during the Kennedy administration (and subsequently Lyndon B. Johnson's) comes across as a decent man, remorseful, human being. i love this doc. it goes straight into the heart and mind of a remorseful man who struggles with the decisions he made, which the viewer can see and feel, weigh McNamara down.

3.  My Father The Hero (1994) 

i went to go see this movie in the theatre with my best friend Pammy. it was playing at Yorkdale Mall. i remember that before the movie, we decided to take a quick wander in the mall when who did we see signing f-cking autographs next to the food court?


that motherf-cker was hot shit back then. those long golden locks? please. we were horn dog 14-year-olds. right there and then i bought Pammy the Fabio (sex) calender for her birthday. apparently she hid it from her mother.

btw, the movie was great.

4. Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990)

i LOVED this movie. i had it on VHS when i was 11. i watched it so many times that i ruined the tape and actually re-bought it. a fresh and edgy Winona Ryder plays Dinky Bossetti - a character i wanted to become so badly. her pink room. her combat boots with the pink laces. the dandelions in the vase. i did it all. i wanted to be Dinky SO BAD.

5. Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)

thank God for Woody. without Woody i'd be such a depressed person. this movie is so great. i love it. it's one of my facourite Woody's. Woody and Diane Keaton play such a wonderful couple, and i love Alan Alda and Anjelica Huston. perfect casting. perfect neurosis moments. perfect movie. period.

6. Ladybugs (1992)

Rodney Dangerfield. nuff' said.

7. Se7en (1995) 

there is something about serial killer movies that sooth me. i've seen this film maybe 30 times - normally late at night when i'm cozy in bed. it's really the perfect film (along with Silence of the Lambs) to watch when sick in bed. maybe it's the grainy film. perhaps it's the constant rainy weather. or the creepy soundtrack. or maybe it's just Brad Pitt. it's probably just Brad Pitt.

8. Alien (1979)

does one really need a reason? this movie is awesome. i love it. i could watch it a zillion times and still beg for more. it's my sci-fi Bill Murray equivalent.

9. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Extended Version (2001 - 2003) 

i love it. plus i had time, okay?

10. The Brown Bunny (2003)

i love Vincent Gallo. like, i fantasize about him all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. he's disgusting. in such a pervy disgusting very attractive way. my fantasies usually involve us fighting. like things are thrown. things are broken. and then we make up in an angry way, if you catch my drift. but this movie is hard to watch, because it's so. F-CKING. BORING. seriously. it's painful to watch (but not as bad as Gigli (2003) which i actually started to cry during for the painful frustration before running out of the theatre). however, to to be perfectly honest, i popped in Brown Bunny and fast-forwarded it to re-watch the infamous Vincent Gallo & Chloe Sevigny sex scene. you know the one. after watching, i googled Vincent Gallo for about 2 hours. apparently you can buy his sperm for $1,000,000. click here if you're interested (personally, a million is a little steep for me - i'm thinking of saving for his personal escort service - which is a breezy $50 grand).

10+1. Cop Land (1997) 

i was gonna stop at 10 and then i thought i had to add this movie. i LOVE Cop Land. it's seriously SO good. everything about it makes me feel amazing. the cast is amazing. the acting is amazing. the pace. really great stuff. i love Sly, and in this film, his shy, doughy, understated performance is pure perfection. i think this movie makes me feel just as good as when i watch Goodfellas. seriously. it's THAT good.

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