Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bill Murray

you should write about the things you love, right? so, what a better way to start this blog than with my Bill. anyone who knows me knows that i'm obsessed - i've loved him faithfully for years, but in all honesty, i have no idea how i'd react if i saw him on the street. i'd probably just freeze or something, like Bambi in front of a Buick - which actually scares me a bit, because i think if we were to meet, we'd become friends.
can you imagine having Bill Murray as your friend? 
in my fantasy, we're best friends, and we laugh and have fun ALL THE TIME. then he'd teach me how to play golf (or at least how hold a club properly) and we'd wear crazy hats and tartan pants. i’d give anything to spend just one day with him. i’d murder to go grocery shopping with him at a market –  imagine him at the cheese shop. or with the fish monger. or taking control behind a butcher’s counter - he so would! no one does funny as perfectly as Bill. the deadpan delivery, the subtleties ­- his amazingness is almost too much.
i started crushing really hard when i watched him in Ghostbusters. it's actually the first movie i remember seeing in theatres - i was 4-years-old. that alone should be reason enough to have him as my first actor tribute - so, let's start with the man who initiated me into this unyielding crazy movie obsession. there are many, many wonderful Bill Murray movies; however, for the next several days, i'll be listing just ten of my top favourite here, in no particular (impossible to) order...